Don't forget your favorite shitty players you used to hate. If Mike McMahon didn't piss you off enough in Philadelphia, then you can just flip to Versus and get your 4th string QB talent out of your system.
If you like obscure nicknames, then the UFL is also for you. Do you like saving the environment? Well the California Redwoods are your team.
Are you a toy train enthusiast? Get your football through the Vegas Locamotives.
Originate from Hawaii? Florida Tuskers.
Employed as a minute man on the Rio Grande? Then you are just right for the Sentinals.
And thats it. Literally only four teams. It's so easy to follow your favorite players when there are only four teams. The fantasy leagues are great in the UFL too. The top four picks get QB's and the rest are shit out of luck. SO MUCH FUN.
But the best niche that the UFL goes for are the ADD kids of this that a butterfly? That shouldn't be alive, it's like 40 degrees out. Where was I? Oh yeah, -ation. When that game pops up on TV, I dare you to not look away. If you've ever wondered what it would be like if the NFL only had neon colors on their refs, players, and chains, then the UFL is for you. Get your seizure here, on Versus, instead of the normal diabetic one Jay Cutler gets when his mommy forgets to buy a snickers at Walmart.
Finally, If I haven't sold you on the United

So to recap, I will just spout out random parts of the UFL and you can make of it what you want. JP Losman, powder blue, Vegas, Denny Green, red refs, six week season, four teams, birch trees, Sante Fe Railroad, Pork, Gears of War enemys.
I can tell your interested, so watch on Saturday, when the Redwoods (not describing a dog's penis) and Sentinels square off. The UFL, where Oklahoma could beat any one of your teams, happens
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