It's been quite a ride here for the proprietors of the Perm. We'd like to conclude this epic day with a recap of the World Wide Leader's dedicated attention to our discovery, as well as give a few deserving shout-outs to those who made this video devour the Internetz like Kelly Clarkson in a buffet line. But first, another screen-grab:
Mr. Floyd, at one point, was perched atop the most popular search topics in all the land. And as it was so eloquently put by our newest member, number 908: "FUCK BIG BIRD."I'm sure that Tim is proud that he topped a list that also included a man fucking a horse.

With a few adornments to his Google trends crown, he dominated other searches beginning with "tim":
Finally, Tim conquers all others by that first name, which includes Jesus' very own reincarnation:
Before we jump into the ESPN videos just as Floyd did the hooker fracas, we'd like to say thanks to all who helped out. Herm's Perm gives a special shout-out to Sean Bell, Justin Brooks, Owen Weissberg, Emanuel Naaman and Ted Hadjisavas for being at the right place at the right time, with clutch use of a video camera. The Perm also acknowledges David Suh, who keenly pointed out that there was more to the video than a brawl between several fat whores. Lastly to Austin Lachapelle for being the ESPN liaison. Herm couldn't have done it without you. Except for Austin. His involvement hardly affected the outcome of the video's publicity.
And now, without further a fracas, here is a collection of ESPN's coverage of the Perm's Tim Floyd video:
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