I can't properly verbalize the elation felt by the two administrators of this site. My only unsober celebratory thought is, fuck Artie Lange's publicity. Fuck that fat asshole into cardiac arrest.
A.J. Daulerio descended upon Herm Edwards' Perm like Gabriel the Angel. And his followers smote us like an angry horde of homophobes against Sookie Stackhouse (for the ignoramuses, True Blood is an allegory for homophobia. RETARDS!).

Point taken and (drunkenly) considered. Conclusion:
We will strive to improve our content. As long as you strive to improve your inevitably debilitating and, ultimately, life-ending disease.
Speaking for Wilt, all comments are welcome. Our poor grammar and occasional misspellings represent legitimate concerns that need to be addressed. Content-wise, we hardly discover new and unique news, unlike the popular athletic Weblogs of the Internetz. Our collective apologies. We are but two overwhelmed collegiate students. Time spent on reporting SHIT generally goes to the wayside.
Herm's Perm has yet to reach the level of Dan Rather-like uncoverings when it comes to sport-related events. But the contributors (Bubb and Wilt) have unique insight into the West's and Midwest's best squads' tactics. Do you want the latest on USC/Pete Carroll?
It's here.
The latest on Bill Self?
Hold your fucking horses 'til basketball season. But, it'll be here.
So, all challengers who criticize the legitimacy of the Perm because of its lack of spelling and grammar:
Thank you. With complete sincerity. If our overall sentence structure can reach standards that THE Herm Edwards would applaud, then we've done our job. Again, gracias.
This blog started with the goal of igniting Herm Edward's attention and, more importantly, his rage.
Well, shit. We're halfway there:

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